2023年将会给工作场所带来一股清新的空气,倾向于员工的喜好. From more flexible work hours, to working remotely, avoiding commuting traffic and the need to get dressed up every day, employees have been in the spotlight.This has also proved to be the case in recent months, as many employees are feeling empowered enough to leave the workforce. According to the Bureau of National Affairs, $11 Billion is lost annually to employee turnover.  这种以员工为中心的工作场所的转变给员工带来了各种额外的好处, 尤其是在公司希望留住员工并提供激励措施的情况下. One of these has been an addition of an employee wellness program. Over the years, this has become a standard for many Fortune 500 companies such as Netflix, Tinder and Nike. KGO has recently developed our own Wellness Program, so while we are no experts, 我们坚信员工的力量,并很高兴与您分享我们迈向更美好工作场所的步伐.  

Continue reading to learn more about KGO’s Wellness Program, 以及大公司的顶级365买球网以及在公司实施健康365买球网的好处.  

Running shoes, bands and probiotics

市场实习生艾丽卡·沃斯(Erica Wirth)利用这个365买球网购买健身器材和益生菌

So, what is it?

Dumbbells at Gym

An employee wellness program is just what you would think. While they can vary from company to company, 它们通常包括对所有员工在工作之外的一些激励措施,以帮助他们提高整体幸福感. 在过去的几年里,他们在公司里出现了很多, so people must be enjoying them.  

许多公司都选择采取一种独特的方式来开展他们的健康计划. KGO CEO Jen Olson agrees, saying that “The key to a strong (i.e., 每个员工的健康计划首先要理解健康对不同的人意味着不同的东西.” While some have created their own fitness center within the office, others provide more paid time off. 以下是《365买球》500强公司AIHR的一些例子,以及他们是如何实施自己的健康计划的: 

    1. Tinder – 他们使用一款名为Fitspot的软件来促进员工每周的锻炼. Employees can get involved and stay healthy at the same time, all while not having to pay for a dime out of pocket.  
    2. Nike – As one of the top leaders in fitness and active wear, 毫不奇怪,耐克的员工健康计划包括他们自己的健身中心, the “Bo Jackson Center.” Employees can use this facility for free, whenever they want. Are Nike outfits included as well?  
    3. SpaceX – They decided to switch up what it means by employee wellness, 从我们在前两个例子中看到的典型的健身房或提供的健身课程扩展. SpaceX公司的员工可以随时获得内部按摩治疗师的服务. Gone are the days of neck cramps from sitting at your desk for too long.  
    4. Netflix – Known for being one of the best employee-focused workplace in the country, Netflix sets the standards of employee wellness at an all-time high. They offer unlimited time off for wellness and sick days, 他们为新父母提供长达一年的带薪假期(包括母亲和父亲)。. This is revolutionary within the U.S. and is a real perk for employees.  
    5. Airbnb – 他们有一个完整的员工体验团队,致力于确保所有员工的健康和快乐. While this is a different approach to a tangible benefit, their program helps to ensure employee’s all-around wellness. 

当涉及到员工健康计划的组成时,机会是无限的. What matters is that your program works alongside your employees. 首先问问你的团队,当涉及到整体幸福感时,什么对他们最重要,这可能会有所帮助.  

从以上这些公司的经验来看,不管你的365买球网有什么好处, your employees are going to love it!  

Why Have One?

许多公司已经采用了员工健康计划,这是有原因的. 他们不仅对员工本身造成了巨大的打击,对公司也是如此. Here are some reasons for their great success, according to the Corporate Finance Institute 

    • Higher productivity 
    • Higher morale 
    • Improved recruitment and retention of employees 
    • Reduced absenteeism  
    • Reduced health risks 
    • Increased camaraderie among employees

员工健康计划的好处远不止上面列出的一小部分. 首先想想,一个健康计划能让你在工作中感受到多大的价值, 同时也提供了一个健康的出口,用来将自己从工作中分离出来. Instead of a work-life balance, society is starting to make a shift to a work-life integration period. 其中一部分就是在你的工作生活中运用健康的应对技巧. 员工健康计划可以帮助满足这种分离(和整合)的需求!).  

Michael Lawrence in Gym

Michael Lawrence, Director of Client Services, goes to the gym everyday and holds his family accountable. 

KGO’s Advice

KGO implemented its very own Wellness Program in February of 2022, and has seen remarkable success of the initiative within the past year. Here’s a breakdown of what is included in the KGO Wellness Program: 

  • After 90 days of employment, 每个员工(兼职或全职)每个月都会收到一定的津贴,用于他们的整体福利. 
  • Amounts do not roll over month-to-month, which encourages employees to actually spend the money allotted to them.  
  • 健康计划涵盖了超过14种不同的健康类别 
    • 体育活动(健身房会员/在线运动订阅、运动器材/服装) 
    • Healthy Nutrition and Weight Management (subscriptions/memberships, books, vitamins, and supplements including herbal products) 
    • Allergy testing 
    • Cholesterol and hypertension treatment 
    • Tobacco Cessation 
    • Alcohol Management 
    • Stress Management 
    • Diabetes Management 
    • Sleep Disorders 
    • Social Connectedness 
    • Personal Development 
    • First Aid and CPR Training 
    • Maternity Services 
    • 其他替代健康服务(包括但不限于按摩), chiropractic services, flotation therapy, etc.) 

你会注意到,不是为所有人选择同一家健身房或一项服务, KGO has chosen to go with a “you choose” structure, 它允许每个人选择他们想要花钱的领域. 如果有必要,这可以逐月改变,而且与个人无关.  

Emilie and Mathew 10K Finish


KGO选择这条路线的一个原因是,它的所有员工都是远程工作的. With no central office, a gym location would be too difficult. KGO也理解多样性,知道每个人的健康需求是不同的,需要以独特的方式支持. At the end of the day, KGO encourages you to look at your own organization, the location of your employees, and what’s important to them before selecting a Wellness Program.  

KGO’s program was also designed with community in mind. 奥尔森认为,公司领导人有责任展示他们对员工健康的承诺. They are the role models and the ones that can prioritize and model healthy behaviors. 她说:“这关乎健康、感觉良好,以及做最好的自己. We have to 在我们个人的健康追求中相互支持,不管对别人来说是什么样子.” 

So far, KGO has seen a positive response to the program itself. According to Change Manager, Mary Kate Zabroske, “由于这项福利的灵活性,我们可以利用它来培养自己的爱好和激情……这是一个终极的‘与员工在一起’的健康机会。.” She’s not the only one. Erica Wirth, a Marketing Intern, has another positive response. “KGO的365买球网让我相信他们真的希望我在生活的各个方面都取得成功. It also shows that they understand professional growth comes hand-in-hand to personal well-being. 如果我不能在工作之余表现出自我,我就不能每天都去上班.” Project Manager, Alexa Garbis, 使用健康计划在健身房锻炼和减压,同时实现她的个人健身目标. “知道和我一起工作的人在奖励我们,因为我们照顾好自己,让我们成为最好的人,这让我感到安心。.”  

The Verdict

At the end of the day, KGO is a strong believer in investing in your team’s professional AND personal well-being. With the influx of employee wellness programs, many companies are recognizing this change is for the better. Help create a better workplace for all in 2023 and implement a Wellness Program into your own company.  

Let’s Build Your Employee’s Dream Wellness Program
